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[台灣]【Taiwan Puli】Puli day tour‧day farmer experience in Insfriend吟詩綠曲 [復制鏈接]

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只看樓主 倒序閱讀 使用道具 楼主  發表于: 2016-05-25

It's a perfect  time to arrange the  travel  after the  raining day.

Nantou Puli yields the most water bamboo in Taiwan.

This time we visit Puli Insfriend(好茭情 吟詩綠曲) to be a day farmer.
I've never seen the water bamboo, it looks like large paddy.

Before experience being a farmer,

Insfriend docent gives us a detailed explanation.

Insfriend is concerned with preservation of the lakes.

They are devoted to plant organic water bamboo.

One of the hero of growing non-toxic ecology is Taiwan White Fish which is endangered.

Insfriend emphasize the important symbiosis between white fish and white bamboo.
They says"buy a bamboo, protect a fish".

After understanding the ecology, we put on the frog suit and ready for farmer experience.

We can not help grin at this rustic style.

What a fresh feeling to immerse our foot in the field!

Although we just walk to the half of the field, we feel very tired.

Must give a big hand to REALLY farmers.

These kimchi are made by white bamboo.

There are two flavors, one is vegetarian, the other is non-vegetarian.  
I prefer the former.

Insfriend also pickles passion fruit.

It's very suitable for shaved ice with sore and sweet flavor.

One more interesting thing in Insfriend is DIY fan.

The fan are made by water bamboo shell and combined with decoupage​.

I will never forget this special experience in Insfriend.
Welcome whole family come and enjoy the Nantou Puli water bamboo farmer life!


Address:No.11, Yixin 2nd Ln., Puli Township, Nantou County 545, Taiwan(R.O.C) (near Chung Tai Chan Monastery)

google coordinates suggestion-(24.010846, 120.932267)



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