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Korea Pyeongchang Ice Fishing Charter Service|Private Tour|Bus|Yucheng Tour [復制鏈接]

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Korea Pyeongchang Ice Fishing Charter Service|Private Tour|Bus|Yucheng Tour

korea Yucheng International Travel Service Co., Ltd——Local Tour Service for Individual Visit  (Pickup and Charter Service, Day Tour with Chinese Driver and Tour Guide)
WeChat: kwcea88   QQ3097605482 Phone+082-70-4467-0421MandarinCantoneseEnglish speaking  WhatsApp+82-10-8384-1688

There are three well-known ice fishing sites in Korea: Hwacheon, Pyeongchang and Cheongpyeong. Hwacheon and Pyeongchang are in Gangwondo while Cheongpyeong is in Gyeonggido.
In chilly winter, there would be snowing everywhere in Korea, and many snow-related festivals would be held. Compared with Hwacheon, is Pyeongchang a better place to go?
2018 Winter Olympics would be held in Pyeongchang, therefore, it makes Pyeongchang a place that you should not miss this year. Besides, Pyeongchang is a place full of natural beauty and fresh air, with many ski resorts nearby. Moreover, Pyeongchang has been granted as ' Must-visit Place’ by New York Times. How charming Pyeongchang is!

Event details
DateDec 22, 2017 - Feb 25, 2018
Place: Odaecheon Stream area, Pyeongchang-gun, Gangwon-do
Facilities: Trout-fishing, Bare-handed fishing, Sledding, Bobsleigh-riding, Ice skating and winter game experience
Suggested itinerary
8am: Depart from Seoul
11am: Arrive festival site
11am-1pm: Free activity
1pm: Lunch (not provided)
1pm-3pm: Free activity
3pm: Leave festival site
6pm: Arrive Seoul
RemarkItinerary may be adjusted according to real situation
5 seats car 300,000won/9 seats car 350,000won/12 seats car 380,000won
Standard 10 hours per day, additional fee 30,000won per hour would be charged if overtime
Fees includedTransportation fee, fuel charge and parking fee

Fees not included: Ticket fees, driver’s meal, overtime charge, fees not mentioned
Driver’s lunch would be in charge by customer (Can pay 10,000won to driver for lunch)

Please contact us - korea Yucheng International Travel Service Co., Ltd. We specialize in offering Korean high-end and customized individual tourism service. Our Headquarter is located in Seoul, South Korea. We provide high quality services, excellent accommodation, local food and in-depth travel. All new and existing customers can experience our most suitable and high performance tourism services. We provide 100% tailor-made itinerary, exclusive Chinese customer services and professional drivers and tour guide. Korea High-end Travel! YUCHENG is your only choice~

facebook: @yuchengtour
Phone+082-7044670421Chinese Customer Service
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