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Korea|Pocheon Day Tour|Local Tour|Yucheng Tour [復制鏈接]

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只看樓主 倒序閱讀 使用道具 楼主  發表于: 2017-10-18
Korea|Pocheon Herb Island|Art valley|Traditional Liquor Museum Sansawon|Local Tour|Yucheng Tour

korea Yucheng International Travel Service Co., Ltd——Local Tour Service for Individual Visit  (Pickup and Charter Service, Day Tour with Chinese Driver and Tour Guide)
WeChat: kwcea88   QQ3097605482 Phone+082-70-4467-0421MandarinCantoneseEnglish speaking  WhatsApp+82-10-8384-1688

You may still be thinking of where to go in your trip to Korea. Do not worry, we will plan it for you! Our customized service would let you enjoy what you want and bring you to where you want to go. This time, you will introduce you a trip to Pocheon, which is located in northern side of Gyeonggido . It would take around 2 hours for you to go there from Seoul.
Pocheon is a gift of nature. Its natural beauty is from mountains and lakes. Our one day trip would let you visit three places: Pocheon Herb Island, Art valley and Traditional Liquor Museum Sansawon.

Spot Introduction】

Pocheon Herb IslandHerb Island is a tourist attraction that focuses on growing Mediterranean herbs. Additional attraction include the crafting experience, herb museum, aroma therapy center, herb restaurant, herbs beef ribs, herb bakery, herbs-related souvenir shop and more.

Art ValleyThere are oddly shaped rocks and a beautiful lake. It's a popular culture and art complex loved by local residents, with various programs including special exhibition, as well as weekend and special performances.

Traditional Liquor Museum SansawonIt is a place for you to understand traditional Korean liquor. There is exhibition of artifacts, antique books , and also home brewing class.

Itinerary Details】
730am Depart from Hongdae
800am Depart from Myeongdong
1000am Arrive Pocheon Art Valley
1200pm Lunch (Dakgalbi)
1330pm Arrive Pocheon Herb Island
1530pm Arrive Traditional Liquor Museum Sansawon
1800pm Back to Myeongdong
1830pm Back to Hongdae
RemarkItinerary may be adjusted according to real situation

89000won per person (Tour for 4 person or above)
Fees included: Transportation fee, tour fee, ticket fee and lunch
Fees not included: Cable fee

Please contact us - korea Yucheng International Travel Service Co., Ltd. We specialize in offering Korean high-end and customized individual tourism service. Our Headquarter is located in Seoul, South Korea. We provide high quality services, excellent accommodation, local food and in-depth travel. All new and existing customers can experience our most suitable and high performance tourism services. We provide 100% tailor-made itinerary, exclusive Chinese customer services and professional drivers and tour guide. Korea High-end Travel! YUCHENG is your only choice~

facebook: @yuchengtour
Phone+082-7044670421Chinese Customer Service
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